User manual

To understand more how the device works and what is needed to make it work, a user manual or an instruction list is provided below.
Before giving the device to the user/driver, few setups need to be done. The user needs to provide the access token on the Pushbullet app downloaded, it is found in the settings. The access token will be placed in line 7 on the notification code.
The following are the steps that need to be followed by the user/driver.
Download Pushbullet app on an android phone.
Get the access token through settings on the app, every device has different access token.
Power the Raspberry Pi using the power bank.
Place the camera on the mirror.
Go on a web page and write http://<Your_Pi_IP_Address>:8000. The ‘Pi_IP_Address’ section must be replaced with your own Raspberry Pi IP address to view life streaming to adjust the camera and make sure it can see the traffic lights.
Done, you can wait for a notification on the Pushbullet app when the traffic lights turn green.
Turn off the device when you are done, otherwise there will be notifications sent every 30s.