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Test the code used to detect the colours in different adverse conditions.

The following is a real-life test that was created to recognise traffic light signals. Using 7m distance, the camera was tested during different adverse conditions. As the device still was not battery powered when this testing carried out, it was hard to use an actual traffic lights for the testing, so using a picture of a traffic light instead was the final decision.

The table below displays the results from the testing. Figure 1 is the original picture that was used for the results.

Figure 1: Original photo

Figure 2: Night-time

Figure 3: Daylight

Figure 4: Dust at night-time

Figure 5: Brightness level 25% at daylight

To conclude, the dark green highlighter in the above figures prove that the detection was successful. The above table and figures summarise that the camera was able to detect the green light in most of the adverse conditions except when there was dust on the camera lens. However, it took longer when the flash was facing the lens. Snow, fog and rain are extreme conditions that will be tested later.



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